FIFA 21 Preview – Express Yourself


The world we live in today is very different to the one we occupied 10 months ago when FIFA 20 launched. Football stadiums are empty aside from essential personnel, most European leagues have only just wrapped up their seasons after being forced into a three month break, and August signals the return of the Champions League–albeit in an international tournament-style format. Even Manchester City have only just begun spending monstrous fees on defenders in what is a belated transfer window.

Despite all of these delays and disruptions to not just the football calendar, but everyday life, too, FIFA 21 will roll around in the latter months of the year just like every other FIFA has before it. There’s an odd semblance of comfort in this fact, especially when nothing else quite makes sense right now. It also helps that this year’s game is shaping up quite nicely.

That’s not to say the FIFA 21 preview build we got our hands on suggests that this is a substantial leap forward for the series, however. Significant advancements will hopefully come to fruition over the next fews years with the powerful hardware of both the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X in the developer’s hands. There’s still some life stirring in the current gen, though, as FIFA 21 hones in on refining the moment to moment gameplay with some welcome tweaks and additions.

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