Fortnite 1984 Short Sees Epic Games Attack Apple With #FreeFortnite Campaign


Epic Games premiered a short less than a minute long saying that it had “defied the App Store Monopoly.” The video was showcased in Fortnite’s Party Royale mode shortly after Epic Games sued Apple, which followed the company’s removal of Fortnite from the iOS App Store.

“In retaliation Apple is blocking Fortnite from a billion devices,” the screen read during the short. “Join the fight to stop 2020 from becoming ‘1984.’” Viewers were then encourage to use a #FreeFortnite hashtag on social media.

The commercial appears to be a play on Apple’s Macintosh commercial that aired in 1984. That commercial introduced the Apple Macintosh personal to the world and claimed that it would help people realize why “1984 won’t be like ‘1984,’” referencing the famous Goerge Orwell novel. Epic Games is clearly mocking Apple for their policies on the App store.

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